I believe in serendipity as much as I believe in paying it forward. I recently have had the honor of becoming friends with Gary W. Goldstein. Sure, he’s the producer of films like PRETTY WOMAN, but I would be more likely to describe him as one of the nicest, most positive human beings I’ve ever met. His generosity to screenwriters is profound.
One example is his new Google Hangout “show” on Tuesday nights at 5PM PDT (8PM EDT), which is not only free but also fun!
When Gary asked if I’d join him on his next show, I was humbled and honored.
Join us this Tuesday and see if I can manage the technical challenges of the Hangout. It’ll be live, so you never know what will come out of my mouth!
Just finished listening to your webcast, it was helpful thanks so much.
I did have a question which I only thought of at the end of the session.
Perhaps I can ask it hear, if you don’t mind..and before I forget.
Thinking of going to LA to meet some potential agents and producers..and pitch
my scripts. Have had several producers already request ‘one pages’, and general high interest from a ‘pitchfest’ I recently attended.
( i have four screenplays – not all complete, – three different genres)
Am also still writing, mostly still in very rough draft.. understanding the need to
have at least a ‘portfolio’ of material to exhibit my writing range and flexiblity.
My real query is, is there an etiquette to going to to LA to pitch…I don’t want to be the ‘wierdo’ or ‘annoyance’ or ‘blocked’. Planning on using the contacts I do have to try to pre-set up as many meetings as possible…. but what else can be done to utilize time spent there.
My background is actually in the film industry but as a crew member, and I know the industry has ‘it’s rules….but as a crew member I know little of the writing world rules and insights.
Would appreciate any general or specific insights you could offer.