Not all screenwriters live in Los Angeles. But how can a writer on the other side of the country make connections? Social media is a great way. However, there are rules of online engagement that could increase your odds of … Continue reading
Category Archives: Social Media
THE Tweets – The Birth of IMPASSE

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As a THANK YOU to our backers for getting our IMPASSE Kickstarter campaign funded, I present you with the original tweets from that cold, dreary day I sat in the window seat of Starbucks watching the couple’s loving and intense argument. … Continue reading
And They Say Twitter is a Time Suck

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I couldn’t possibly count the number of times my family collectively rolled their eyes while I obsessively tweeted from my Mac, iPad, iPhone… and sometimes all three at once. Tweetaholic? Maybe. Don’t judge me. It works. In less than three … Continue reading
Succeed by Giving
#PIMPtipoftheday: When you network, ask what you can do for THEM, not what they can do for you. That was today’s tip. I sent it out and wondered what the reaction would be. Networking: the exchange of information or services … Continue reading
Scriptchat has arrived!

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What started as a little Twitter screenwriting chat on Sunday evenings has turned into an internet phenomenon…. okay, maybe just a big screenwriter party of learning. Script Magazine mentions #scriptchat in the November/December 2010 issue! Thanks to Joshua Stecker, West … Continue reading