Pitching Hollywood executives is an art. They’re fickle. They are trained to say “no.” Buying your screenplay means they have to spend millions of dollars to get it from page to screen. Who wouldn’t be nervous to say “Hell, yes, SOLD!”
I’ve pitched more executives than I can count, from the President of HBO to assistants at pitchfests. Here are some of the articles I’ve written on Script magazine to share my tips, my lessons, and my failures. Like I said, pitching is an art. You can’t learn it overnight.
Learning how to manage expectations and handle rejection takes time, too. When you’re feeling defeated from pitch after pitch after pitch, read Balls of Steel: Pursuing a Writing Career When You Feel Lost. Yeah, it happens. Can’t lie to you. But just keep staying in the game. If you quit, it’s over. If you keep putting words on the page and putting yourself out there, it can happen. At least that’s my plan.
Jeanne’s Tuesday Screenwriting Tips: Selling a Screenplay
Jeanne’s Tuesday Screenwriting Tips: Polishing a Screenplay
Jeanne’s Tuesday Screenwriting Tips: 7 Reasons to Shut Up & Listen
Jeanne’s Tuesday Screenwriting Tips: Sure-Fire Way to Nail a Pitch
Balls of Steel: Pitching Takes a Team
Balls of Steel: First Impressions
Balls of Steel: Managing Expectations
Balls of Steel: Shifting Network to Relationships
Balls of Steel: Putting Your Script Out There
Balls of Steel: The Executive – He’s Just Not That Into You
Balls of Steel: 10 Tips to Prepare for Opportunities When They Knock
Balls of Steel: Pitching Insights & Tips for Before You Submit Your Script
Balls of Steel: How to Get Your Screenplay Read Without Asking
Balls of Steel: Liar, Liar, Career on Fire
Balls of Steel: The Magic Trick to Selling a Screenplay
Balls of Steel: Screenwriting Pitchfests – Ripoff or Opportunity?
Balls of Steel: Checklist for Pitchfests and Conferences
Balls of Steel: 6 Screenwriting Pitching Lessons from the Sharks
Balls of Steel: How to Write a Screenplay that Sells Itself