The first time I met Diana, she was about 6 or 7, doing gymnastics in a make-shift gym in her parents’ garage. Despite kids, including my own, tumbling, laughing and shrieking around her, this girl had focus, a calm about her. She mesmerized me.
She’d eventually become my daughter’s best friend. A second daughter to me. Her father is one of my karate masters, who I’ve known all my life – he taught me how to disco dance. Her mother, a shining force that fills a room with laughter. She has six siblings and a young niece. She’s in love with a partner whose support knows no bounds. This family is large and tethered by a bond so rare and limitless, they make all around them feel like part of their family.
I’ve never met anyone like Diana. She may only be 22 in years, but she’s a remarkable old soul with an enormous heart and passion for life. Nothing could have shocked us more than to learn she has a multi-cystic lesion in the left hemisphere of her brain, causing numbness, loss of motor skill and balance.
This girl. This girl is a shining light for so many. For me. For my own girl. To see her in pain, in emotional stress, breaks me.
This girl. This girl is hard working, a straight-A student, a generous heart. Her gift of song and music should be shared and used to heal people.
This girl. This girl is someone who never quits. She’s strong. Proud. Dynamic. Passionate. Humble. Deserving of a full life with full use of her body.
She can have that, with our help.
Please consider donating to help Diana get the surgery she needs to remove this growing lesion from her brain. Any bit helps. Even a dollar. Anything.
This girl is all of our girls.
Please click here to donate to her GoFundMe campaign.